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10th Year Anniversary Pride Kickoff!

On June 1st, the first day of pride month South Texas Equality Project celebrated their 10 years of dedication, hard work, and their determination in creating partnerships with fellow organizations and focusing on advocacy/visibility of the LGBTQIA+ community within the Rio Grande Valley.

Being at the pride kickoff and with close to almost 30 community partners all together in one place. There was art activities, music, and what caught my attention was the LGBTQIA+ History Exhibit Community Partners & Resource Showcase. As I looked through the exhibit it reminded me of the stories I heard about the "In Touch" publications and how this was made, distributed throughout the valley. This brought forward representation and education. Personally I just love pieces of work like this. Seeing the zines right in front of me after hearing about them so years was amazing! I was told that they will eventually get scanned to keep in archive which has me excited!

Looking through the exhibit there was so much to take in regarding Louisa Martinez and Mark Anthony for example. Hector and Gabriel from S.T.E.P took the time to share their stories and insight on these community members. With so many individuals willing to share their stories, willing to speak on how to provide to the community, wanting to see change, and just wanting to live through their means of expression. S.T.E.P provides monthly meetings, volunteer services, and ways to engage yourself with other organizations.

I wish to spent more time in the exhibit.

Speaking to Hector Ruiz the President of The South Texas Equality Project he shared a few words on celebration "I think to sum up my feelings on today's kickoff in one word, it's excitement. This is a long time coming. We felt it was uncertain to celebrate our first decade as we go into the future and look forward to expanding the outreach with the LGBTQIA+ community of the valley and beyond. Having a presence and providing support to the people who need it and who want it not just during pride month, but throughout the year."

Hector, you mentioned the "future" and I want to ask if you have any plans, ideas, or collaborations you wish to do in the future to bring out a larger presence of the LGBTQIA+ community, bring out individuals who are allies, but that really need that push to get them engaged as Hector replies with "this is a two-part answer. So, the first 10 years we've been under fiscal sponsorship by the Valley Aids Council and this earlier this month on May 9th we just became an incorporated non-profit organization with the state of Texas. We're waiting for the Fire1c3 designation, which should come hopefully by the end of pride month, that's the intended date."

"That's when we'll be closing one chapter and opening up another one, and it's going to come with so many opportunities. So many acquaint partnerships. So many people have reached out in the community to us about being a resource, about making sure on how to be an ally, about how to serve their community. They come to us for advice for guidance for counseling and we are so grateful we can provide them. It's just so wonderful! I'd say, it's really about the community, the people here who will be served by all the great resources and services that they provide."

For my final question I'm curious about any highlights you've had within your previous years. A new year, a new anniversary comes forward. Does it bring back any memories? Do you think on "how can we elevate this and push this forward" as we enter a new year for the organization as Hector says "absolutely, So today we're going to be awarding six scholarships LGBTQIA+ youth. This will make it 49 total that we have awarded the past seven years. That is just one the things that really symbolizes what we do and who we serve to. Our scholarship program started with two scholarships and it's grown! The scholarships have been self-sustaining because of the support we receive from businesses. Sometimes the fundraising for next year's scholarships are done within a day. So that really tells you how invested people are investing not just in queer youth, but our community in general. The scholarship is just a really good testament and it's supporting the future leaders of tomorrow because, you know, we're right now standing on the shoulders of people who came before us. Generations who may no longer be here with us right now or who may be in their 50s, 60s, 70s. So now we're the wave currently trying to do the work and then bringing the next wave and our queer youth are really our future. "

Moments after they announced the individuals, the six individuals who received the scholarship. A scholarship awarded to the "queer youth" as Hector explained, a scholarship supporting the future leaders of tomorrow. Future leaders with their foot in history, in today.

Now before the scholarships, the MC of the event was Fernando Salinas @golden_mirror_fortunes who spoke on the importance of June, the importance of self expression, the importance of who YOU ARE and exclaiming as Fernie shouted "a queen commands you that you must love yourself. It is a must!" I felt that. I took a moment to myself letting their words sink in.

Joseph Decilos  @deciphoto the keynote speaker for the Presentation of Scholarships took the stage sharing a few words "experiencing childhood in a rustic South Texas, I encountered the consequences of living in hiding because of the dreaded gave me the drive to turn into a symbol for the individuals who dread the repercussions of coming out."

Joseph continued by saying "Today, as we kick off Pride Month, I reflect on my journey not just as a past recipient but as an intersectional individual growing up in the valley. I often felt the weight of societal expectations and the fear of not fitting in. These conversations sparked a desire in me to advocate for better understanding and representation of queer Latine individuals."

"Through my art and academics, I strive to de-stigmatize queerness in mass media and advocate for a more inclusive society and implement representation when I can." As Joseph shares that their exhibition "Espacio Seguro" is currently up at Cactus Valley! Here is a note on the essence behind the exhibition "it's an exploration of Hispanic queers and their safe spaces ---yes. But more so, it is a dive into the relationships and rituals of this populace, the friends made through commonalities, and spaces where queer Hispanics are allowed to simply be."

With that Joseph mentions "We are not the minority but the majority!" Explaining due to numerous support of community members, leaders, and organizations. The support that is here, right at home.

Congratulations to the scholarship winners!

Congratulations to the S.T.E.P!

Beautiful speeches and words shared by community partners and organizers!

For 10 years and many more!

What a beautiful event <3

Scholarship Photos!!!

4 out of the 6 individuals were present for their scholarship

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