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Artist Of The Month: 5uperlucky

I always saw the 5 to 10 posts 5uperlucky @5superlucky posted on Instagram. The neon colors and varying shapes caught my attention. Post by post until eventually I met them at a market called Heavens Gate hosted by Zodistic. I copped one of their tote bags and I remember their parent (I assume) asking me to post with the tote-bag for picture! I won't forget that, because it was just so wholesome. I still use that tote till this day. Looking at 5uperlucky's new work has me at awe! There's just so much contained into one piece that I just had to dig in and learn about Samuel and their art work.

Before we start the interview we ask our pre-interview questions such as what has Samuel been enjoying as of recently "Ralphie Choo, asking questions and reinterpreting things" as I also ask about anyshout outs they'd like to give out?

"@specialeffects79   @kukuybeuty for ur claws to get done"

How would you describe your art? I would describe my art as a way for me to express my feelings of confusion, non conformation and embracing the ambiguity that creates. 

What got you interested in diving into digital media? Did you originally start with digital or were you creating art differently before? "I took a graphic design class in high school, where I learned illustrator and continue to use it I really like the interface and how you can kinda incorporate lots of different aspects."

How does art help you express yourself? Is there anything about yourself personally that you put into your work?"I try to incorporate a sense of nostalgia and my ideas hopes and fears. I think art is how I express myself solely, whether it be being inspired by a book song or nature. There is also those push and pull moments are pivotal in the human experience and is something that I like to reference."

With abstract shapes, neon bright colors, and 3D shapes incorporated into your art. Everywhere I look I'm looking at something new. It could go on forever that leads me to ask a few things. How do you know when an art piece is "done" in your terms?  "I remember making some of collages and inspo pics of clothes and accessories I liked in middle school and I think that style definitely progressed into what I do now. Making multiple graphics over time and then just collaging them is a fun process I do in which I really just post that when I have a urge to say something ig, but usually I keep adding to it after that and continue to use the graphics in different ways. I like to think of that as my art is ever evolving and not finishing but I would love to present my work in a more concrete and irl way in the future.  Especially with the clothing I make I feel as it can take on its own meaning and expression through the wearer.  Though I do have intentions and meanings for what I make it can tend to be more personal with these things I’d like to keep for myself and let the eye of the beholder interpret as fits." 

With what a piece holds how do you begin? Do you have a process? 

"I started primarily drawing and sketching but once I had access to illustrator I did gravitate towards that, but now I try and have a balance between all forms of self expression whether it be music, drawing or photography just to be more in tuned to what it is I’m trying to make or feel and all these outlets give me that range I like. So when i usually feel stuck or needing to start a new inspiration I come to these. And they often go hand in hand with each other which is something very rewarding to me."

With the involvement of varying shapes, sizes, edges, and curves what is it about these that appeal to you? "I love symmetry and balance it’s such an essential and sacred thing that I would like to convey, as well as distortion and shapes of dissordinence." 

Who is "5uperlucky" or is there a meaning behind the name correlating with the art? "The meaning for me changes over time and I would like to see it as a way for us to connect as luck is a universal thing we all would like to harness, stepping into the universe knowing there is a bit of luck in the world that has indifference and how we can change that."

How do you wish to continue with your art? Any ideas with experimentation or adapting your digital art and physical realm "I am working more on clothing and how to make designs where I hope to share more in the future as well as focusing more on collaboration in the communities I am involved within Texas." 

What does that mean by the way in your bio "graphics in the digital and physical realm" could you elaborate? Well I had phrased it as a reference to my digital and physical art that sometimes I sell at local markets in the rgv (Heavensgatemarket, Bummershed or music shows going on from local acts) Within asking me this question, I guess I would say that I would like to add new meaning to the word realm. By using our community as a way to truly express ourselves and giving us a path towards liberation juxtaposing the original meaning of hierarchies and class."

What are your thoughts on the local valley art scene?

"Self expression is such an important thing and the voices from here are so unique and must be heard, the stigma of needing to leave the valley to become an artist is a past for me. I truly am so happy to be here right now in this era of the valley. It’s a time for us to define ourselves as much now as always. I see subcultures and distinct ways and codes we use. From the way we dress to the way we create film, media, music is so powerful and is truly a beginning of a new era for the artist in the valley. Especially as we view social media I feel like I wouldn’t have even met as many people without it. Using this as an advantage for us has truly boosted the culture around here."

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