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Here we have the STRGHTFWRD duo Alvaro and Claudio! There isn't a day I don't see STRGTFWRD having a set on the weekend. It's always a rager from what I see on the pics/videos shown on their stories. I think my first time experiencing STRGHTFWRD was at The Lab or this one bar I forgot the name of at 17th street. The only thing I remember about it was the ball pit. Either way the set I experienced was really good! I'm still learning about DJs and how mixing works. With what I do know it's so cool! I look forward to experiencing more DJ sets for sure. It is interesting to see how everyone has different techniques and styles as well.

We begin by asking the duo what they have been enjoying as of recently

CM: Producing music, learning new mixing techniques, going to fellow dj's events and shows to branch out and see what other crowds are reacting too.

AA: yea, pretty much same, I’ve been taking this time to chill out and work on music stuff, few events here and there and doing the club DJ stuff on the weekends.

Whenever there's like a cool DJ event I'm always at work. Yeah I work weekends so I usually miss out on things happening that I really want to enjoy. One day I'll find something that gives me the weekends off! Alvaro also continues by giving out a shout-out to earth.

We know STRGHTFWRD, but what is it? How did they meet as well as they say

CM: We both grew up going to the same school. We were kind of the outsiders of our class in a way, and we both just connected through music and movies. Eventually we would both carry on with that trait and take up Djing. Over the years it just became clear that we both had the same goals and decided to form Strghtfwrd.

AA: Claudio was one of the only people that genuinely had the same interest in music, and entertainment stuff so over time we just linked up and told ourselves let’s make something happen musically.

Damn 2 homies coming together and making it happen! For real that's what it's all about. From where they started to where they are now is pretty cool! From being in parades, big events, and cool lines ups I wonder where they plan to go from here or what they plan on doing.

They continue by mentioning what STRGHTFWRD is

CM: To us Strghtfwrd is a way for us to bring some new sounds to the music scene but delivered in a clean and simple fashion.

AA: In my pov, I see STRGHTFWRD music as high, energetic, get up off your feet feel good music. Having a high energy and vibey tone to our sound musically and in our DJ sets it’s very important to us.

What is "clean and simple fashion" from my perspective seeing everyone enjoying it and seeing the hands of the DJ going around the board is a lot of moving parts. Would that be "clean and simple" knowing that the goal is making sure the people at the event are enjoying themselves? They certainly get the job done as Alvaro mentions "off your feet feel good music" which is what I always see on their socials and from what I experienced as well.

What got them interested in DJing?

CM; Electronic dance music as a whole, the scene, wanting to share music with our friends.The idea of one day producing records and playing them out in the festival circuit across the states and beyond.

AA: I could never play any real instruments to be quite honest, but I knew I wanted to make something with music, so DJing just clicked over time and by watching cloud do it years ago, I kinda just learned off that, catering more towards my style and such, which we both combine when we do SF sets.

When it comes to Electronic music the most I know is the Hot Line Miami soundtrack or random songs I have heard in other soundtracks, but I don't know the titles. With Djs I feel like I'm always learning something new and that's the beauty of it. Hearing a new sound. Something fresh for the ear. It's sharing music with everyone involved. I can't play any instruments either and especially when my dad's side of the family plays instruments and being gifted an instrument I never learned how. I just listen to it and allow new sounds to come in. As I said with DJs I feel that with every sound they really do show new sounds/songs to the public. There's music I would not have listened to if it wasn't for DJ mixes on soundcloud.

If they could come up with a name for their style what would it be and why?

CM: Our goal in our mixes is to combine aspects of disco, funk, house, as well as some more agressive genres. Its never been clear what genre we want to be labled as, so we just said why not create our own pocket in the electronic scene.

I'd say that they really have made their "own pocket" their own name as well along with their sound. While they may not be "labeled" they are pretty STRGHTFWRD with their goals and their mission at any event.

What genres do they enjoy working with? Do they enjoy experimenting with new sounds for their mixes/sets?

CM: I feel that in every set,we experiment more and more. its kind of a friendly contest to see who can find the weirdest, freshest record. We both have a distinct ear for the same sounds and tracks that catch our attention. Id say if there's any genres we both enjoy the most its got to be french house or euro disco, of course melodic tech house.

AA: for the most part we keep our sets between 122-130BPM and just try to blend in whatever we think sounds gnarly and to a point, a bit weird and see how the crowds initially react.

Man just reading "french house", "euro disco" and "melodic tech house" has me wondering what this sounds like. There's really is a lot, huh? That's to be expected it seems. From these sounds Claudio mentions to Alvaro bringing up "122-130BPM" which sounds interesting. Would that be one of the goals as well to se how the crowd initially reacts which is what I remember at The Lab. The sounds the pauses the transitions and the build up. The crowd was moving inside that small space, sweaty, and bunched up, but that didn't stop anyone from having a good time.

Do they remember their first time DJing? How was it compared to their most recent?

CM;It was a small bar somewhere on 17th st Mcallen, our first gig, going under a different name. It was very humbling to say the least. Very grateful to have finally reached a point where we have plenty of gigs go around.

AA: I had no idea what I was doing or how I was supposed to dj that night, it was eye opening for sure, I don’t think we even got paid for that one *laughs*

The firsts are always an "eye opener" for sure, but that doesn't stop us from still having those moments. We continue learning as we continue. Who knows maybe Alvaro one day will try Country Night DJing we shall see. First time for everything, right?

Would they say that there is a relationship between the sound and their audience?

AA: most definitely, on the weekends, we both have to dj separately in different clubs so the style of music we play is more open formatted but once we play together as SF, we both play different styles of music we want and been itching to play out that we usually don’t play out. And when we do a SF, the majority of our audience knows exactly what they’ve signed up for…

I was thinking about that earlier. Even though they are a duo I sometimes see them separate locations, but that's pretty cool! They split up and cover more ground. The people are obviously going for a reason and knowing what to expect. It's like going out to see Queenkillahbee or Don B. We know what to expect and we know it's going to be a rager set.

What do they wish to evoke from listening/experiencing their music/set? What does their music/work evoke from themselves as well?

CM: We want to bring to the crowds a new idea of what electronic music can be. Delivering in a way any band or artist would, and end the stigma of people believing djing is effortless.

AA: I just hope after we do a set, people leave with a new idea of what we do and make them feel good on the dance floor. If they walk away finding new music they’ve never heard of that’s def a bonus.

When I was in college and going to bars/clubs I didn't understand a lot of electronic music. I didn't understand a lot of the sound, but I really loved emo nights. It wasn't until recently that I'm taking it all in and learning more. It's like the stigma of there being "nothing" in the valley, but there is plenty to see and do. Just have an open mind which can be used in this sense when speaking about music. There is a craft when it comes to DJing. As Don B calls himself a "scientist" when he's working on his craft. I remember leaving the one year anniversary of The Lab just mind blown. I've seen a couple more sets along with the mixes on soundcloud that I've been having on repeat. I really need some more mixes to listen to besides seeing it live.

Does the duo have any favorite/personal techniques they enjoy using when it comes to DJing?

AA: we both have different styles when it comes to DJing but they both are pretty straight to the point at the end.

What would theysay makes a show a "rager"

CM: A good crowd, chemistry between the people and the music we play out. Great production, and a good sound system.

AA: good sound and good vibes all around, if the audience reacts, we react, kinda like hitting “star power” on guitar hero or rock band.

I can see how "chemistry between the people and the music" goes together. Especially if it goes along with the theme of the show as well. Mmmmm good sound system go brrrrrr.

The funny thing is STRGHTFWRD is always on "star power."

What are their thoughts on being a part of MxLan along with their thoughts on it bringing the community together

CM: we’re Incredibly honored to be a part in MxLan this year, so excited to meet all the other acts and performers. Of course playing at our hometown is always so amazing, we get to see the community have fun and enjoy all the amazing talent the valley has to offer.

AA: I think MXLAN is going to be pretty special. It’s a big thing and we’re going to be part of a big production and it’s something we’re not used to doing every day. Also, it’s amazing that they gave us a call, I know our sound is a bit out of the ordinary from all the other acts so it’s def an honor.

From playing at our hometown to seeing the numerous amounts of local artists being a part of mxlan along with the organizations involved! It's so cool to see! I'm so excited! AHHHH! Man expected the unexpected a call from mxlan you never know what the next call will be.

What is STRGHTFWRD looking forward to this Wednesday?

CM: Seeing our many new fans come out and dance to all the new music we have in store.

AA: being on the breakthrough stage outdoors and playing during the sundown ought to be a nice scenery.

I hope they have lots of fun! I wish them luck at the event!

If they could be in a set with anyone who would it be with?

AA: this answer is waaaay out there but I feel like if we ever got to DJ with someone like A-Trak, Skrillex or or someone along those lines of DJing, that’d be insane. I can’t imagine what kind of impromptu set we’d throw down

che STRGHRTFWRD x Skirllex coming soon!

What are their thoughts on the local valley scene?

CM: Every year it blows my mind just how fast we are growing in the music scene.

we have so many new talented artists and djs. The valley has opened many doors for us to succeed in this industry, and it couldn't be a better time to be an artist in the valley. So grateful for all the venues and promotion businesses that helped us get on the map today.

Any final comments?

AA: stream STRGHTFWRD music, support your local DJs, stop asking for bad bunny (even though we love him) every 5 seconds at the club, like and subscribe to @outinthe956, much love to everyone who supports what we do

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