Doza UUUDIED is a video creator within the 956 who has been interviewing local creatives within the community from Disease Freak @diseasefreak, B11ce @b11ce and Killmori @themourningaftr in their videos. Although they are starting they have a very raw direction. On the spot and very energetic on what he wishes to show from the "underground" scene." Doza is having his first show at Sauce House 7/23/22 featuring multiple artists from Killmori, Planet Grim, Elam Zula, ILuvTorti, Luv Gang, Lil Brady and Rudhel. From his first video to his first show. I wish him the best of luck!

Disease Freak and Doza
We begin with some shoutouts Doza has "Shout out my homie TORTI, Rocky, eli , Edwin ,LUVGANG, THC everyone who supporting the channel"
Doza's first video with Disease Freak
What can Doza tell us about "what's up with that" and what he wishes to show? As he says "What’s up with that is a voice for artist with stories to tell and things they’d like to share a insight into their life and the reality of being a artist in the valley" People do have a story to tell from their interests to their crafts. To even just something to share with one another/someone else. We truly do learn something new just by talking or listening to someone speak.
What got Doza interested in creating his platform? From his ideas, visions and what he plans to show "Seeing people perform on stage and expanding the underground scene i knew it all had to be documented so that’s what I’m doing." There's one video I always go back to. It's the video of The December Drive playing live. There's the Charlie Vela @charlievela documentaries. From pinata people, neighborhood molino (which I miss very much. I still kept my final receipt from them along with some images before they moved) to the As I Walk Through The Valley documentary released in 2017 showcasing the history of the "explores 40 years of underground music from the Rio Grande Valley; from early garage rock and Chicano funk, through the Chicano/Tejano era and up to the metal and pop punk of the 2000s" as the description says. Upon watching it and even talking to people who experienced venues and bands in the early 2000s is super interesting to me! Especially looking at old flyers and old band names. Like Glare was a different kind of band before and went by a different name in their earlier years for example. I really enjoy talking to Puro Tigers Blood @purotigersblood and Andres @asiiiro due to the knowledge they share with me and the amount of local music they listened to along with what they experienced the community. These are just 3 people mentioned with their own versions of valley documentations/experiences, but it's just so cool! This is why I've been collecting local CDs to Merch because I just like it and there's something to look back into for sure. I do think it's important to have documentation to share with others no matter how it's shared.
Did Doza ever talk about his idea with his friends? What did they say? "Yea i asked for help they laughed at me and didn’t take me seriously originally there were 3 member’s Videographer,Editor and I but over time grew apart ever since then it’s just been Juan and I doing most of the work. Don't let people hold you back Juan the realest homie glad we growinB)" Yeah if you're passionate about something go for it! Yeah at times it won't go as you would like to go, but isn't that part of the process? Even though Doza has come across some obstacles I'm glad he's still pushing.

When it came to creating his first video how did that go? Who did he interview and why? How did he feel through the interview along with when it was once released to the public? "The day of the interview was pretty rough we weren’t prepared we had to set up a hour before the interview Disease Freak was running late we thought he flaked on us but it turns out that he was sleeping because the night before he was working on designs. I spent a week listening and studying Leo’s music, social media and singles i got very anxious after a while and felt weird i was tripping but Thankfully Leo was cool about it he told me about his come up and i relate to it made me feel normal about being weird so yea i was weird I’m thankful for the experience though i learned from it" Always be prepared for the unexpected. You can't expect things to go smoothly. I'm glad the interview went down because it's such a fun watch! This is the first experience out of many as Doza continues. There is much to learn and much to experience. You could do as many videos as you want, but there's always something that can come up. Originally me and Doza did an oral interview with a recorder. We spent an hour talking. We learned about each other and I'd say he knows what he wants to do and he's on on mission to get it done. The sad part was the recorder stopped recording after the whole conversation was over. It sucks, but you know shit happens. Thankfully Doza was able to answer some questions through email. Even though I've been doing Interviews and working with the community since college I still fuck up at times! So it's okay! I've had other incidents, but these are experiences and I'm more prepared for on location interviews. Doza has this for sure!

What can Doza tell us about his style? "My style is very raw and DIY and take a lot of inspiration from adult swim but i mostly walk into everything i do with my hands behind my back observing and applying it all to whatever i’m doing whether it be shirts, videos to music i really don’t have experience to anything i do" It is very raw for sure. It's very interesting to see everyone's different styles from video, podcasts, and writing. Having the goal of showcasing and highlighting creatives all while having our own creative ways of doing it. It's so neat!
What does Doza have to say about his mission statement? "just to pump out more videos especially more interviews." The time's I've seen Doza at events he's always packing his camera with him which is pretty good!
How long has Doza been thinking about putting this show? "For a couple of months id say late may or June originally we only had four artist performing and it was supposed to be in July but decided to push it back so that we could have more time to think and give the artist the right crowd because these guys will put on a show the music scene needs to expand down here real talent for real people" I'd say that push sounds like it turned out well! It has a big line up and the flyer is different as well which was created by Pillowsnake @pillowsnake956

Flyer by @pillowsnake956
What made Doza decide on the line up? "After leo gave me word about the show i started going to local shows seeing scouting out rappers that i think would be great for this type of venue i picked rappers that can offer different genres of rap music for example there’s boombap,pop,emo trap and more really diverse artist so the crowd can see that there’s something for everybody" That's pretty cool keeping it diverse to showcase different sounds. Now I'm wondering how exactly he lined it up from beginning to end. How these sounds transition with one another.
What is Doza most looking forward to the day of the show? "honestly the energy and good times i’ve been working on this for a long time so i know it’s gonna be a str8 up banger my horoscope said it would so i trust in it shout out to pillow snake,sauce house,Iluvtorti,rudhel,killmori,elam zula,planet grim, lil brady and luv gang" It's going to be great! From all the artists, the venue, and the support received I do wish him the best! I'll be there in spirit as Killmori says.

What would Doza say his next goals are? "To release music I’ve been working on a beat tape and also started my experimental rap collective THC tying to expand right now also releasing more things such as Interviews,Clothes and much more" I look forward to what Doza has planned with UUUDIED along with what he's working out....P.S one of them is a Sycamore video.
How does he wish to grow with his platform as he says "People ask for me I feel welcomed to a community. I’ve been growing pretty fast and im not planning on pressing on the breaks anytime soon Hopefully make this into a career " Just gotta keep going and see it where it goes! Gotta make those moves as well.
Doza shares his final thoughts on the local valley scene,
"People always talk down on the valley but look around we’re growing and making a change i love the valley because i grew up here it made me the person i am today"
Along with one final comment,
"Fuck Elon Musk
say what’s up if you see me around go check out ILUVTORTI & YoRock aka RudHel On sound cloud"